Worst doctors appointment ever


So, I’m only 23 and 8 weeks and 5 days. I had my first appointment today, “why’d you wait so long?” Well I just started working at a new school, I’m a teacher, and the insurance didn’t kick in until August 1st. I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks, a couple of years ago. This is information I shared with the doctor.

Anyway, I went to the doctors. They didn’t do an ultrasound, they didn’t do their own test, nothing. I couldn’t FaceTime the father, or my mom since I’m not allowed company since Covid. I was sad about it because it’s my first baby, but I understand. However, the visit went bad after the doctor tried to use a handheld device to locate the heartbeat. After trying for literally 2 mins, he declared there wasn’t a heartbeat to be found and then left the room. I broke down believing I was having a miscarriage.

The nurse came in and took me to do blood work. Then they sent me home. I called my mom, she’s the only one I wanted. She let me cry and then had me tell her what happened. She found me a new doctor within minutes. I called the lady and explained what happened. She reassured me that the doctor did everything wrong, that the hand held device (can’t remember the term) isn’t used until the 12-13th week but typically the 2nd trimester. I feel some relief now, but honestly I’m still scared. It shook me. Going alone, and then having that horrible experience. But I’m not cramping and I’m not bleeding, so I’m trusting God.