Should I expect this from my ex?

Need some help here....

My ex and I are dating again. At first I thought we were just talking and hanging out to get to know each other again after being apart for 2 years. It’s been 5 months since we started seeing each other again and I tried bringing up if we’re just exclusively dating or if we’re bf/gf. He called the labeling immature and something virgins (“that’s virgin shit”) do. I don’t want to just be on his terms. He hasn’t asked me to be his gf but should I just assume so since we’re dating? He told me he feels pressured but I’m still confused on what we are. I hate talking about this with him because he feels so awkward with the convo.

Idk what to think. How do I bring this up again? Am I wrong for asking? I feel like he’s treating me differently or with less respect I guess because we’ve dated before and he took my virginity :/ I just don’t want to feel devalued