Ttc after Stillbirth

👼 stillbirth baby mama 👼

Hey lovelies,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. However I was wondering if anyone has TTC shortly after stillbirth?

I've just turned 30 in April, one month after my daughter was stillborn at 23weeks (yes technically its classed as a late miscarriage but let's not get in to that).

I wanted to try again straight away as all I've ever wanted is a family and then it wasnt happening for us so I thought about it more and now I'm not 100% sure, there is a 20% what happened will happen again - low but high enough when it only affects 1in 300 pregnancies.

My husband is now really keen to try and we have tried this month (ovulation tests and BD more than we normally would) however im not sure how I'll feel if I get a positive test on Sunday, yes of course I'll love this chilr but im so scared for future pregnancies. Can anyone give me any advise at all? Thank you :)