corona virus question

I live with my parents and I’m 20 years old, waiting to go back to school. My dad woke up with a high temp with morning (100.3). he stayed home from work and says his temperature is down and is feeling fine now. I am very worried. I said he should go get tested and he said that he’s right he should, but never stated that he’s going to. He seems unbothered. I have plans for this week - see my boyfriend tomorrow and then go to work the rest of the week. Now I’m rethinking it all. If he had the virus, I have the virus. Then my mom, who smokes everyday, has the virus. My anxiety is already always high through the roof about this virus shit and now idk what to do. Idk if I should cancel my plans and quarantine for two weeks so I don’t infect anyone. I’m so angry at my parents for not being as careful as they should.