Can we save this relationship? Please read.

It has been 2 years and 8 months, and it’s never been easy. We were 16/17 when we met and now we just turned 19/20. At first things were hard because we had a lot of maturing to do, he was very confused with where his life was heading as he was senior in high school. He hurt me a lot by doing sneaky things on social media and we ended up breaking up because of it and getting back together and he learned from his mistakes. I guess he knew it was wrong to make me feel little, or to continue to betray me. I can’t say I’ve always been perfect but I’ve always stood by him, we used to have nothing, we were so young and had only our parents allowance, he never understood the meaning of work but I feel like a played a role in his life where I pushed him to be better, a better student, a better man. However now... well let’s start here, his family is so different and to the very least I do not like them. His mother is backwards and cares about the dumbest things like if he gets home after 10 if he’s with me, or if he doesn’t do anything for his brother, or if he doesn’t answer a text, but doesn’t care if he has a/c in his room, doesn’t care if his roof is falling in his room, she worries more about him being with me than her 5 y/o son with adhd that she has no control over. (There is so much more but I want to make this short) My family is nearly perfect, my parents are still together, my mom isn’t crazy like his, she’s always put our needs first. So where does that leave me and him? Completely opposite people. And we bump heads a lot. Our backgrounds are so different. We have been arguing for months about the little things, and it doesn’t stop. He is so immature, he does things that he knows bother me or hurt me and still does them. This is our biggest problem, and yes I’ve talked to him about it but somehow things haven’t gotten better, they got worse. Are we just not for each other? We have the same goals in life, we’ve grown up together, I love him with everything that I am, he is hard working and he doesn’t give up, he is also so sweet and never fails to do the little things like buy me dinner and open the door for me and buy me roses. But our differences are affecting us. I don’t like his family, I don’t like that he was raised the way he was raised.