Colic? Reflux? I don’t know


My son is 6 weeks old and nonstop crying. He cries all day and even when he’s eating. He’ll stop eating to cry and it’s sometimes hard to get him to finish a bottle. Sometimes he only eats 2 oz and sometimes he eats 5 oz. it’s always different. He’s exclusively formula fed. I don’t get it because he was a pretty easy baby and then all of the sudden it changed. I thought maybe he developed a sensitivity to his formula (Enfamil Gentlease) but his doctor said his poop wouldn’t look normal if he was halving digestive issues but his poop looks fine. He doesn’t spit up a lot usually, but there have been a few times he has had projectile spit up. The only way I can calm him down is when walking with the stroller or with a car ride, and sometimes he will lay in his crib and look at the mobile. He will not sleep well at all during the day but he still sleeps well at night. What could be going on???

P.s. sorry that’s random and all mixed up but I just typed it as it came to mind lol