I feel like he doesn’t understand

So my bf and I have been having a really difficult time when it comes to making plans. He wants to go out and do stuff with family which would normally be fine... but I have been feeling very overwhelmed at the fact that I’m 8 1/2 months pregnant and still feel I have so much more I need to get done before the baby comes. I feel like he doesn’t understand where I’m coming from when I say I just need to spend time at home getting stuff together on the few days off I have. He asks me why I can’t get the stuff done after work but I am so tired by the time I get home... all I want to do is relax on days that I work. He is making me feel like I’m the worst for this. Am I in the wrong for wanting to take my days off work to get stuff done? Also, how do I get him to see where I am coming from? I feel like he doesn’t understand how much I’m stressing out about how soon the baby will be here! Ughhh.