Fetal parameters look okay?


Hi everyone, so I had my anatomy scan at 18w4d (per LMP), and this is my USG report. The Dr told me everything is looking good and the baby is developing normally.

I'm a first time mama, though, and having gone through a first trimester miscarriage last year, I over-analyse everything and get anxious at the smallest of irregularities..

Please have a look at the fetal parameters given in the report, everything looks to be atleast a week ahead of my gestational age as per LMP, only the Femur Length (FL) seems to be just 2 days ahead (it's still ahead of gestation by LMP, it just looks to be smaller compared to other parameters that seem almost a week ahead of gestation)

Even in the sonography photos, the parameters are listed by percentile growth as follows:

BPD and HC both 88th percentile

AC 83rd percentile

FL 55th Percentile

Is this something I should honestly worry about? The Femur Length being a bit smaller? Or is this common and I should let it go? The dr seems unconcerned, but I can't help overthink things..

Please put my mind at ease.. thankyou..