Having an “I don’t feel pregnant” Day


I know no one can really make my worry go away, but I am hoping writing it out will at least get it off my chest. It also doesn’t hurt if a few of you are experiencing the same thing so I feel a little less alone.

I just don’t feel pregnant today. My boobs are mildly sore and I have zero nausea or adverse reactions to the thought of food - I’ll admit the lack of nausea and food aversions is a welcome break. Mine were light but man was it exhausting. Plus, the last few days I haven’t had the exhaustion. I’m tired and sleeping a good bit but through my fights with hypothyroidism and hypersomnia (not really bad anymore) I know the difference between fatigued and sleepy - I am definitely more sleepy.

I had a stress dream last night about not having had my thyroid levels checked last week as if they are high I need my meds upped sooner rather than later as it takes time for them to get in my system.

I’m just sad. It felt so surreal to finally see a heartbeat and even moreso after believing I was miscarrying the week before having only seen a gestational sac. I don’t operate under the idea of “why me?” but rather “why not me?” as I have to be realistic and realize I am just as likely to miscarry (again) as the next person.

I just have to chin up until Friday and hope there is still a heartbeat and a baby that is progressing. It seems so far away yet so close.

If anyone else is feeling like this, hopefully my journaling helps you feel a little less alone. If anyone has had symptoms go away around week 7 and went on to see a healthy little one, I welcome stories that keep me positive!