Measuring big


Hi I'm 34 weeks exactly with my third pregnancy (2nd baby having lost my twins at 21 weeks). My bump measured big at my last appoint but now I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead and almost off my growth chart estimating babies current weight at 7lb 2oz!

My midwife has arranged a growth scan for me on Friday morning as she thinks the problem may be that I have too much amniotic fluid (Polyhydramnios).

My question is has anyone had experience of this or was there another reason baby measured big? O know the NHS will have their own guidelines and might do things differently to other countries and I'm wondering if it might mean my baby had to be born earlier or is it not something to be worried about?

Any advice would be appreciated obviously I'll follow any guidance from my midwife but I just want to put my mind at ease a little 😊