Sexy way to lose your mucus plug 😳😂


Okay this is the only place I feel like I can share this story and have people understand.. or at least only be moderately disgusted hahah...

I have not been in the mood for sex! And my poor husband has been so patient with my raging and constant hormonal changes. But this morning I finally woke up in the mood for some good lovin. I tried to talk my husband into going in late to work but he was in a rush to get going. On the way out the door he suddenly turned back around, grabbed me by the wrist, and hustled me to the bedroom. What proceeded was some overdue- R Rated- sexy time.

When we had.. finished.. I looked down and realized I had lost my mucus plug all over my husband! I mean ALL OVER. Like. So much mucus. I know! Disgusting! I told him not to look and of course he did.. which resulted in us both gagging until our eyes watered 😂 Gagging and laughing until you cry was not the most romantic end to our love making. Needless to say, I don’t think I’m going to be the only one vetoing sex until after baby is born!