Probably getting sick 😒

Samantha • Mommy of an angel boy 👼 💙🌈 and an earthside boy 🤰 expecting March 2023 👰 married 🐱🐱 fur-momma to two

So my little one is only 5 weeks old and I'm ebf. My husband was feeling off like he was getting sick so for the past few days I have done more for our baby besides the occasional diaper if I was downstairs. I'm pretty sure it's not covid cause of the symptoms and besides him working (taking precautions) we have kept away from most people. Hid brother did come over to help fix our car last week so that could be where he got it from. Well despite keeping distance, last night my throat felt sore and i felt congested and have a headache...

I know it's best to still breastfeed baby cause I'll pass antibodies to him, but my question is what can I take to help me feel better?