Baby grunting


My baby boy has been grunting since day one. Most of the time it’s cute and he smiles when he does it. Past week however, he is grunting much louder and it’s happening after he wakes up during the night and starts falling asleep. Sometimes he seems uncomfortable. He’s still eating and poops most days. Overall he sleeps okay, gets up once or twice. There was one night where he was up every hour.

Not sure if he’s just gassy or learning how to control his movements and sounds? Also- I think it might be too soon to start teething but I did feel his gum where it looked a little white- it has a small groove or bump on it. He’s constantly putting his hands and fingers over that area. Maybe that’s what is bugging him?

He has his next appointment on the 21st so I plan to bring it up. But does anyone else’s baby do this? He is also seeming fidgety with movements but I am assuming that’s normal still.

FTM so I’m not sure if anything lol thanks 😊