Family dilemma

TL;DR: my in laws were supposed to spend the weekend with us and our 3 month old baby but they didn’t follow our modified quarantine requests to protect our baby from COVID. Do we still go?

We were one of the lucky ones who managed to give birth at the height of COVID in New York back in April. Our pediatrician was adamant that no one is to meet the baby due to COVID (with this being the first grandchild on both sides, it was very upsetting). We decided to wait for a month and had told our parents to do a strict 2 week quarantine and then get tested to prove they were negative, and they were able to come meet and hold him while wearing masks.

My mom ended up having antibodies and apparently had it with no symptoms and my brother and dad tested negative so they were able to come meet him. My in laws said they were going to quarantine but I saw on Instagram they did not and we’re out inside. My wife was devastated her parents did that but we ended up letting them meet after the negative tests.

Since summer (and after our sons 2 month old shots), we have been spending every weekend at my parents home with them since my dad is very cautious about going out and about and is the person to tell others to put their masks on while inside and my brother still works from home. They haven’t allowed anyone else to enter the home and continuously wear masks around the baby.

My in laws have seen him a few hours here and there with masks on. We had plans one weekend to go to their vacation home with them but they spent time with people who had lived with someone who tested positive for COVID so everyone agreed that we should change weekends. Again, we scheduled for this upcoming weekend to go to their home. My wife called her parents and found out that they spent this past weekend with at least one other couple on a mini vacation in a house they all rented. We also found out my wife’s father is currently up at the house where we are supposed to be staying - with one of his friends- until the day we are scheduled to to arrive.

My wife wants to still go and see them and thinks the baby will be fine but I’m reluctant because they spent time with others inside without masks on the week they were supposed to see their grandson. What should we do?