Period Problems

Since the pandemic has started my periods have been a month late. Originally they are usually 5 days to 7 days late. I had to go to the hospital almost a year ago because my ovarian cyst have burst. (I'm hoping it's that and nothing too serious)

Yesterday I started my period showing only one symptom and that was feeling hot. Today I woke up cramping really bad, my cycle isn't heavy (yet usually day 2 it's really heavy) my head has been hurting, I have a loss of appetite, im tired, and I'm feeling nauseous.

Whenever I have my period symptoms usually I'm craving foods, my cramps don't hurt that bad, my cycle is heavy, my head hurts a little, mood swings and I'm tired.

I think it's a change in my diet because 2 weeks I started taking a dietary supplement that helps my bowel movements and I haven't had no problems with it. I have been drinking more water. My parents also stopped giving me and my siblings certain foods about 2 years ago because my parents are allergic to certain types of food.

My friend thinks oh it's probably that once a year period that makes you feel like shit. But I don't know what to think. I can't go to the doctor or zoom call the doctor until next week. Any advice?