Question about cheating

Me and my girlfriend got into argument where she threw some personal shit in my face about my vices and how I handle the trauma of having my miscarriage.. so I was already having a worse than normal day about the situation then she did the things she did and said what she said so i was done talking to her in my mind forever .. so I got drunk and high and ended up calling my baby daddy to talk about everything somehow I ended up at his house and we had sex in the car. We ended up talking and working it out so I told her the truth about what I did while we were “separated” granted I told her about 2 weeks after because I was debating if I should even tell her but how can i move forward with her and not let her know the 100% truth. Now sidebar during the time I was debating I kinda gave her hell about not being able to trust her and after all this my mom called my baby daddy to help us move and she had an issue and I called her crazy and gave her hell for that just to let her know I did what I did I feel terrible about the situation and how i made her feel especially but what can I do or say to fix this

Help me guys please

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