Born early !

Well well well! I’ve been reading birth stories for weeks now and here I am able to post my own. It is currently 2:20am where I live and my lil girl was born yesterday. I am 36 weeks 3 days. I was in the triage for contractions on and off since 30 week, but two day’s ago I went in and was dilated to a fingertip. I didn’t progress so they sent me home. Well fast forward to yesterday I had an OBGYN routine follow up at 1:30pm and doc checked me and said woah you’re 3cm, head to the hospital and text me when you arrive. Well I have two other kids (girls) at home so I had to pick them up from daycare and wait for my Bestfriend to meet me which didn’t happen until 6:30pm. Well whole time I was having cramps and and contracting so to waste time I went home and took a shower, attempted to shave and headed out the door. Arrived to triage and the contractions got worse. They checked me and I was at a 3.5cm and they said you’re in active labor let’s get this ball started. To remind u ladies I wasn’t scheduled to have my repeat c section until 39 weeks. So technically 4 weeks to go. All of a sudden a lot of nurses came into the room, one was asking all the covid questions , the other was doing vitals etc etc. next thing u know they give my fiancé his gear and said get ready she’s coming tonight. They rolled me to the surgery room, gave me a spinal to numb me from stomach down hubby came in and about 30 mins later my princess came out screaming. She didn’t waste any time. I cried tears of joy and felt some sense of relief. It took the surgeons about 45 mins to stitch me back up and roll me to recovery area and 2 hours later I was rolled to postpartum to recover and spend more time with my baby. She was born at 36 weeks 2 days weighing 5lbs 10 oz 18 1/2 inches long and didn’t need NICU stay! Thank God! Now i am now recovering and almost forgot what it felt like to recover from a c sections. I’m given norco for the relief and just staring at her and her dad amazed and thankful. I’m a stage 3 breast cancer survivor and was able to give birth to a beautiful baby girl named Marleigh!