That “pregnancy glow” ✨

Madison • 21 . Mila Rose 🌹 06/09/18 . 1 loss 👼 . Santiago Cruz 07/13/20 💙 Extremely blessed ♥️

Am I the only one who feels most beautiful DURING pregnancy? 🤔 I read so many posts and comments about women wanting their body back and how they hate the way pregnancy changes their body but that just wasn’t ever me. During both of my pregnancies, I loved watching my belly grow and gained confidence the bigger I got. I felt so beautiful, like I could wear anything and feel comfortable in my own skin. I’d do my hair and makeup ALL the time and take pictures to capture the moment. Then when I’m not pregnant, I find myself comparing what I look like to what today’s “standard of beauty” is supposed to look like and social media absolutely doesn’t help!! I find that I’m very harsh on myself to have that hourglass figure, the big butt and nice boobs, the pearly smile, etc.

Maybe it’s because people no longer tell you your “glowing” and instead say “You look tired.”

Or maybe you could blame it on the postpartum hormones.

Maybe it’s because the thought of creating a life inside me from essentially nothing to a whole little person with a working heart and 10 little toes/fingers gives me some sense of purpose that I don’t get anywhere else.

Maybe it’s a combination of it all 🤷🏼‍♀️ Who knows.

What I do know is, I miss that confidence that only came with my being pregnant. I wish I had it al the time! Instead, you’ll now find my hair in a messy bun while wearing breast milk stained shirts that are 3 days old, a size jeans that are 6 sizes bigger than what I used to wear, and concealer covered eye bags. My heart is filled with twice the amount of love I had before and I wouldn’t change it for the world, just wish I had that confidence back.

Someone tell me I’m still glowing . Tell any mom that their still glowing.