Covid restrictions/epidural/how long in hospital


Hey guys,

I’m a first time mum and need to start thinking about a birth plan. I’m planning to not really have a plan and just do what I feel I need to at the time!

I’d love to try for a water birth or at least for pain relief. But I deffo want the option of an epidural if I need one.

The only thing putting me off an epidural is maybe this will mean I have to stay in hospital longer?

If everything stays the same, my husband will only be able to be there for 4 hours after shesborn and 1 hour a day.

How long are you usually in hospital after natural birth if everything goes ok?

Is it longer if I have an epidural?

We don’t like the thought of him not being there and missing her first moments. Is it that much of a big deal him not being there in hospital?