Stalker alert! How do I handle this? UPDATE*****

Ok, this might be a long one so I apologize for the long read. In high school I was friends with this girl.. we will call her Maggie. Maggie was always kinda super clingy with me, but I never minded it because I knew she has a hard time making friends.. she was harmless and we actually became pretty close. As time past we drifted apart.. she came back into my life after my daughter was born. She has a little girl as well so we would have play dates and hang out on occasion. Maggie always kinda made my family uneasy. My mom would tell me something wasn’t quite right with how she acted towards me... always telling everyone I was her BEST FRIEND and she would be lost without me. I would laugh it off because I didn’t see what others were talking about.

She ended up moving to an other state to finish up school. She went to a very expensive school and would call me at times to vent about her finances and how her husband wasn’t supporting her decision to go to a fancy art school. I personally sided with him because they had a family they needed to focus on and she wanted all these things and financially left everything on her husband.. it was so bad she would call me have ask if I can please send her money because she didn’t have a way to feed her kids ( oh yea in the middle of all of this she decided she wanted to try for an other baby and had a son) I had my own two kids I had to worry about , but knowing she didn’t have a way to feed her kids (because of her own stupidity) would get to me so I would send her money.. and she would never pay me back.. but I would always see her spending money on getting her hair done and other things that I finally I started getting annoyed with the friendship and drifted off.

Like I would pick her up from the airport and she would come and visit her family with NO money ... ask if we could go to lunch and just sit there when the bill came or leave so I could pay it... shit like that finally got to me so I started ignoring her all together.

Fast forward like 4 years.. she has constantly tried coming in contact with me and I have ignored her. I blocked her on iMessage because the things she would say to me.. it was too much “I love you with all my heart, you’re my best friend and the last picture you posted looked like their was pain in your eyes, I got a new job and I know it’s because you’re my lucky charm and you liked one of my pictures so I knew it was going to be a good day” shit like that... I would just ignore it and move on with my day. Then she started messaging my family members... and then my husband. She even messaged my daughters father saying she was in town and wanted to see me. She stopped by my job that I no longer work at and started asking for me. She sent me an other message saying that she didn’t know what she did for me to hate her and ignore her the way that I did but that she will always love me.. and to reach out when I’m ready. Things started to not sit well with me and I honestly didn’t have the heart to be upfront with her and tell her she is making me uncomfortable (I know that’s 100% on me and my fault) but you would think after years of ignoring her she would get the hint... still I know I could have went about it a little better.

Until ... my birthday. Now mind you I moved... my husband and I rent. Just keep that in mind for the end of this story.

So it’s my bday and I get a notification on my social media accounts (I have her blocked on my messages but not my feed) she made this entire collage of pictures of me.. one of the pictures is my senior picture... but not one that’s in the year book... and my mom has the only copy in her house... her caption was unsettling. “Happy birthday to my best friend, godmother to my children (news to me) I’m so happy a proud of everything you have accomplished and I love more than ever to see that beautiful smile on your face” 😳😳😳

Ok, I’m how did she get that picture? And I haven’t spoken to her in god knows how long... I brushed it off, made the mistake of commenting and saying thank you and went along with my day... then I get a knock at the door...

It was a flower delivery and a very expensive looking cake... I laughed and thought my daughters father was playing a messed up joke because he knows I have gestational diabetes.. why would he send me a s’mores bunt cake (my favorite btw) but when I looked at the card it read “happiest of birthdays to my person” love Maggie....

Ok wtf! How did she get my address? I rent so you can’t look me up!!! I called my sister and brother and asked if they gave her my address they swore up and down they didn’t. I checked my location on snap chat and iPhone and they have been all turned off...

She wrote my husband on FB telling him how happy she is that he makes me happy and to please spoil me and love me forever... guys at this point I was completely freaked out. The only thing I came up with is that she went on my baby registry and maybe was able to look up my address.... idk. I don’t know what to do or say/ my husband wants me to block her on everything... he doesn’t even want to me acknowledge what she sent me because that would be confirming my address to her... am I over reacting here?

Like I have to post this anonymously because I’m worried she might somehow see this ....


Guys, it got so much worse... so I took everyone’s advice and blocked her.. I just got this really uneasy feeling about the situation and decided that if she couldn’t get the hint off that then I’m going to have to get pretty nasty. Ok I know I didn’t mention this before but, she is an artist and paints. So the other day I was in my social media and I had a notification.. I completely forgot she has an other Instagram just for her art work. I clicked on the alert and saw that I was tagged in some art gallery post.. guys ... I got so freaked out. It was a painting of me... laying on my bed... it was an old profile picture from my MYSPACE (that should give you an idea of how old it is) and it looks like I’m topless in the photo. The picture also posted in an other Instagram account of hers and for whatever reason it is over her children’s crib. I was absolutely livid at this point because the caption read something along the lines of “my beautiful best friend.. those eyes and hair have made others melt just at the sight make sure you give her a follow” then tagged my private Instagram page!

At this point I couldn’t just ignore her anymore. The painting was made over a year ago but I didn’t find out about it until last night!!!!! I blocked all accounts and used my husbands account to message her. I basically told her that as nice as her gesture was it made me uncomfortable. She never asked to use that picture and I don’t even know how she got it. I feel very uneasy about our “friendship” and I need her to respect me and my families privacy.

She wrote me back ... completely ignoring everything and said and asked me if I received my bday flowers and cake. At that point I blocked her and changed my name on all my accounts. My next step is calling her husband (we all went to school together and my husband and I are quite found of him) and letting him know what’s going on and that she needs to leave me alone. Like I don’t even have it in me anymore to be nice about it.