

Hi guys,

So I was told that I have a bicornuate uterus back in August 2018. I was also told that I have PCOS. My partner and I have been NTNP for 4 years and tbh, I’ve gotten discouraged thinking that maybe I just can’t have kids..

Well, at around 7-9dpo, I began a light period. It was weird because i wasn’t due for another 8 days (I’m now around 10dpo and expect my cycle in 4 days). The “period” wasn’t enough to soak a pad at all. It was intermittent and I didn’t experience cramps like I normally do or even have any “warnings” that I was starting my cycle. It seemed like I was spotting only when I peed.

I’m trying my best not to symptom spot or test early (or at all if I don’t need to). I’m still experiencing mild cramps, a lot of gas & bubbles in my stomach, mild backaches, and a lot of nasal congestion. My boobs are a little tender, but not bad at all. I’ve also had random mood swings, which I thought was just PMS.

Do you guys think I should test? Does this sound like it could just be my cycle 8 days early? I’m trying not to symptom spot but a part of me is ready to finally start ttc.