Am I just paranoid?


Ok, so I live in a town that is just average. It's overall pretty safe, but just lots of people that give off creeper vibes. And always a couple homeless people wandering the streets and parking lots talking to themselves. Very different from my hometown. I eventually want to take my son to swim lessons (when things improve, so who knows when). But I'm weirded out by community pools. Am I the only one who thinks it'd be a perfect place for pervs and pedos? And I also get kind of nervous going places by myself just me and my son... Obviously, right now with everything going on it's not a concern as of right now because I stay home as much as possible. But I was discussing this with my husband and he just thinks I'm a bit paranoid. I definitely have become hyper-aware of my surroundings since having my son, but I feel like my husband is too used to being a male and also going places without a child with him. But do other moms feel the same? And also not like going places with their little ones by themselves? Also, with quarantine, the longer I stay home, the more nervous I get to go to places. Is my paranoia irrational?