Um... am I pregnant?!

Autumn • 26 👑 Momma to a beautiful price 💙


So here goes nothing, my husband and I got a little frisky a couple of weeks ago, used protection - I’m on the pill, he wore a condom (it did break...) but I also took plan B.

With all that said a few days before my period was due I took a test and it came up negative. Okay awesome! Then my period started right on time, was pretty heave for a few day’s in the middle - like bleeding through kind of heavy. But I didn’t think anything of it because the same thing happened last month where randomly in the middle I bled very heavy.

Well here we are on day 8 of my period.. now that’s not normal I thought to my self - because I a 5-6 day and done kinda gal. So being the person I am I googled it.

What do I see? Pregnancy can be a cause of a longer period. No way. I thought to myself yea as if.. well another day goes by and I’m like well geez. Day 9.. this is annoying. I had a extra test from the other day so I said okay well what the heck.

Well would you look there a freaking positive test 🤦🏼‍♀️ now. It’s not crazy dark - and it came up fast but it is a lighter line - but 100% noticeable...

SO WTH AM I PREGNANT?!!! .... Any one else have something like this before.....

*updated with photo of today’s test.

Second update day 10 of bleeding - I took another test today it is much lighter, I also slowed down on bleeding until the evening where now it’s a bright orange color? Not red. Not like old blood but BRIGHT orange..