Gender disappointment/ wanting a certain gender


I got into a fight with my SIL over my saying I'd have a hard time if I had another boy, I really would like a girl, this is my last pregnancy. I love my little boy, but I know a mother daughter relationship is/ can be different. She laid into me (she has 4 boys), like every baby is a blessing, your life isn't always what you want, get over it. Thanks, yeah, I know, I have to do <a href="">IVF</a> to get babies here, I know it's a sacrifice, more than she'll ever know. I'm so angry, but am I wrong to hope for a girl? Obviously I'll love my baby fiercely if it's a boy too, I just want that experience of a girl. I am really close to my mum and I have 5 sisters. Am I overly sensitive or is she being a jerk?