I really don’t know what to do


Help me out Mommas because I’m seriously at a loss....

She not sleeping, I would take being wide awake in the middle of the night over how nights have been the past couple weeks. She’s up off and in all night, tossing and turning, wining almost, she falls asleep long enough for me to just start falling asleep then wakes back up crying and whimpering.

She has her sound machine, she has her Tylenol because of all the teeth coming in, Not even pulling her into bed with me helps.

I dropped a nap for the second time today and she slept around noon for an hour and a half the fell asleep at 8.

I really don’t know what to do I’m at the ugly crying and pleading for her to sleep stage. Being teased with sleep and being woken up almost every hour is weighing hard.

Is this a phase? Are there tips? I’ll take anything because I’m about to contact her dr for help