It’s my turn 😭😍


40+1; Either I just peed the bed (unlikely because I went to the bathroom 15 minutes ago) or my water broke! What a weird sensation, lol. I woke up at 2:45ish with back cramping that I couldn’t sleep through, got in the shower which helped, and then climbed back into bed. Had just gotten settled when it felt like I was wetting my pants 🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s my turn ladies! Wish me luck! It’s baby day! 👶🏼

Update: I laid down for a little bit with a pad on and stood up after 10 minutes, and it was like Niagara Falls, lol. Water has definitely broken, no doubt about it 😂

Update #2: after 7 hours of fast and furious labor, I had my son at 9:54am! 7lb 9 oz, 20.5 inches long, all natural birth (the hardest thing I’ve ever done)