TTC month number 3!

Hunter • ☾ Happily married & just had our perfect baby girl 🤍 Insta: bunnermarae

Well ladies, it happened. I got my period last Friday and it lasted til Tuesday. Another month in the books.

I have noticed this past week I have had SO MUCH trouble sleeping. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m newly engaged and planning a wedding while ttc or what. I don’t feel stressed really but my brain never shuts off.

I don’t get on my phone, no tv. I literally laid in bed for 1 1/2 the other night tossing and turning with my mind just thinking of so many random things. 🙄 idk how to shut off anymore 🥺

Anyway, my predicted ovulation day is next weekend so wish me luck! Baby dust to everyone! Thanks for letting me vent 🥰🤷🏼‍♀️