Should i be worried?


So I’m just looking for some advice from you all!

I have irregular cycles since coming off the pill in November. My cycles have been 39,28,35,66 days long. On day 33 of my current cycle but have had negatives on OPKs the whole time and no EWCM. I’m starting to worry I could have something wrong with me. I get bloating pretty bad very regularly, I have very oily/greasy skin and hair (wasn’t like this whilst on the pill) a bit of facial hair on top lip and my periods are quite heavy. Should I see a doctor or just keep going with TTC? We starting TTC in May but then I think. I had an anovulatory cycle for my last cycle and now not sure what’s going on with my current cycle. Any advice? Anyone had any experience with this? I’m worried I could have PCOS.