How do I approach this!?? Possible cheating?

Currently I am 34 weeks pregnant with twins. It’s been an extremely tough pregnancy for me.

Last night, I was texting my mom about my virtual baby shower that I had last week and I couldn’t remember what my aunt got me so I went to look on Facebook. My phone was dead, so I grabbed my husbands bc it’s never an issue, he was also in the room (I wasn’t snooping being my point). As soon as I went to search my account, I saw that his coworker was on his searches.

*Little back story*

About a year ago, we separated and he went on a few dates with a coworker (a different one) but one that he developed a crush on before we were separated. As soon as we decided to work on things, he ended it, switched shifts and it hasn’t been an issue ever since.

*back to my post*

I admit, my curiosity got the best of me and I looked at his activity log. Turns out, he’s been searching this other coworker since July 21st up until today. Not every single day but quite a few times. I am hurt and confused, my mind is going to a million different places. I want to confront him on this.

Here’s the thing: I have about two weeks until I give birth. My husband and I have had a great relationship (or so I thought?) and I feel that my twins are coming sooner (been having cramps and some spotting here and there). I don’t want to be in a huge fight during this time, nor do I want to stress myself out but I also don’t want to keep this to myself and keep it bottled inside. How do I approach this/confront him? I don’t want to act irrationally even though I feel like I have a legitimate reason to be upset. What’s your advice? I don’t even know what to say to him at this point 😔