Hope , Faith and Prayer


I just have to share this with someone anyone. I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 19 and always told in my younger years that I would probably never have kids or even ovulate. I’m 36 now and TTC and I was put on Femara to make me ovulate I’ve been praying and seeking God and asking and I even started to tell my closest friends that I don’t think this pill stuff is going to work. Well today I felt like God was talking to me through out the day and I had even stop doing the ovulation kits because I just kept getting no LH Surge so today because Of the messages I got from some people I decided to take one more ovulation test and I finally got that Smiley 😊 face and my heart is so over joyed. And hoping this is my moment along with my husband we have been trying for 2 yrs. The Bible said we just need faith the size of a mustard seed and the mountain will move. Hoping and praying for all you TTC.