Newborn throwning up Breast Milk each feeding


Hi Moms,

I have a week old baby and I’m breastfeeding. Since Monday when my milk came in I have been BF and each feeding I have done the baby has puked the milk out. I literally have to feed and change him 2-3x each feeding. He drinks milk and pukes sometimes a small amount others seem like everything he drank and most time it’s right away and also when he falls asleep and wakes up every now and then he’s puked. I do get burps from him.

I spoke to Pediatrician and was advice it’s normal as long as he’s pooping and peeing and gaining weight. which he is except gaining weight I’m not sure and my appointment is next week.

I need help and feedbacks if this is actually normal? And has it happened to you?  we don’t know what to do it’s getting a bit frustrating if this is really normal or concerning.