For at least second time moms only...

Seriously at 17 months is this just the stage where they become little a-holes lol ( obviously joking) but my son is relentless. Maybe it is his personality, maybe it’s his age. I don’t know. But he is seriously such a little brat right now and I’m just trying to figure out if this is normal or if I should be concerned. Please no judgement, he’s very smart and very sweet when he seemingly wants to be but I honestly don’t know what to do. Throwing toys when they don’t do what they want him to do, throwing them at our faces when he wants us to mess with them (I get that he obviously can’t tell us he wants us to take them) I just need to understand if he’s normal or if I should be concerned lol. He’s strong willed, so am I, but I’m also sooooo stressed. I’ve been working this whole time, his dad hasn’t because of covid. I feel like I’m missing out on crucial bonding time, just feeling like a mess lately. But if this kind of behavior is normal for 17 month olds I will feel better. Just need to know other moms experiences. Thank you in advance, sorry for the rant ❤️