My baby had iugr and stopped growing at 36 weeks so we had planned to induce at 37 weeks 4 days but ...

My baby had iugr and stopped growing at 36 weeks so we had planned to induce at 37 weeks 4 days but water broke on its own! We got to the hospital and I was 3 1/2cm dilated(I had been 0cm just a few days before) the contractions started abour 20 minutes after it broke and they got intense super quick I tried getting two epidurals but neither of them worked so I felt everything! I kept feeling like i had to use the bathroom and my nurse wouldn't check me because she said its normal and I have a long time to go i was crying and screaming a lot so she finally checked me and the baby was already half way out she had to yell for the doctor to hurry up in there. My labor only lasted about 5 and half hours once I got to the hospital and my sweet little girl was born at 12:33pm