Bleeding or period

Hey guys, after my csection, I bleed for 3 weeks and it stopped.

Then at 6 weeks, I got bleeding which I called in and asked if it possible my period is back and they said yes.

After a month I was put on an injection as contraception. They said it would make me get my periods then nothing for 3 months unless if I took another.

The period didn't come until a month later. Anyway, took the next injection after 3 months and all this time, I had no period.

Anyway, I didn't go back 8 months pp for the third as I decided to stop birth control. But my period never returned until 5 months later. (13 months pp)

So I can't help wonder if the first period was a period or I resumed bleeding after I had stopped? Or does ovulation take so long to start again after the injection? Also I know I hadn't ovulated before I just resumed having a discharge this time around. Also my sex drive came back. Which all makes me feel like before, I hadn't healed well and I just didn't even go check out why I resumed bleeding because I thought it was a period. Should I go back in? Or just hope that things worked out themselves eventually.