Long distance advice


So I have a question for the ladies who's partners have to be gone during the week for their jobs. How do you do it? My boyfriend just told me that he's thinking about taking a job 2 hours from where we live now and staying with his bestfriend during the week and coming home on the weekends. Which at this place, sometimes they work weekends too so I could very possibly not get to see him for weeks at a time. I asked him why and he said that he wants more money to be able to get us a house and provide for me which, dont get me wrong, is noble and all but I'm not sure if has taken everything into account. I know his hearts in the right place but it could be months.. YEARS even before we have saved up enough to actually buy a house. Plus whenever he finds a place, he wants his bestfriend to move in with us as well. Which currently we're living with his mother so I'm used to having a third wheel, so it's not that big of a deal. And I'm also thinking about my job, I currently live about 40 minutes from my job, and I dont even know if theres an office in the city that he wants to go to, that I could transfer to. So I could be either stuck working from home, driving 2 hours there and back, or quitting a job (which I love) to find something else that I'm sure i probably wouldnt like as much. I'm so nervous. I dont want to be lonely. I dont want to be away from him for so long and I dont want to have to give up my job (if they dont have an office nearby if we move) and I honestly dont want to live with his mother by myself. And theres the issue of moving 2 hours away from my family. My grandmother, my sister, my mom, and my best friend. So thinking of all this makes me feel like I may be being incredibly selfish right now. I want him to have a better job, and to be happy since his dream is to make enough money to provide for me so I didn't have to work. (Which I would more than likely work regardless because I like to have my own money) But I'm so worried that it could go wrong. Can anyone give me some advice? Please.