How long did it take you to get pregnant with a third baby?


My first baby I got pregnant within the first two months of trying for him.

My second baby I got pregnant the first time I tried, and only had sex once to get her.

Now with trying for a third, I’ve been trying for going on 6 months now and am so frustrated. I know it takes many couples longer and some are still trying YEARS later, and I don’t mean to be insensitive as I know this is a hard journey for us all, but I’m just so mad at myself because I feel like my extra weight is what’s hindering my fertility this time around since my first two pregnancies my BMI was in a normal range, now my BMI is at 36, which is considered obese. I’m so angry with myself, and I’ve been dieting and exercising to lose weight, but it’s not coming off at all!! I’ve been so consistent!

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