That is seriously so annoying

So I am a huge fallout 4 fan, and I thought I was all alone in that seeing as the game is years old and not a lot of people seemed to like it. That was before I found FO4 Fan groups. Then randomly I see a girl post in a random group that has nothing to do with fallout, she posted pictures of her FO4 character wearing a giant teddy bear mascot head and being so excited that she found it.

All I saw was another girl weirdo like me who still likes this game so I was like “OMFG ADD ME” and then I accepted her friend request and invited her to all of my fallout 4 fan groups.

She posted in one asking for gamer tags and stated her age, hoping to find other gamers close to her age so she could relate to them.

She is 17 years old and this whole time I thought she was an adult so my response to that was like holy crap I thought you were older!

These Facebook fallout groups are like 98% grown men.

They’re all like “JAIL BAIT ALERT”

Calling ME a creep?

I was just happy to have a game buddy to talk about fallout 4 shit with because the guys I have talked to have tried to use talking about the game as some sort of ice breaker to flirt and ick, so when I saw a girl I was like OH THIS IS GREAT!

I don’t care that she’s 17, i don’t see what that has to do with anything. All I care about is being a huge nerd with someone who’s not gonna try to flirt with me. There’s not age limits on being a video game nerd. if she wants to talk to me about fallout lore, mods, help me build into all the sectors of vault 88 I will freakin ask her because I’m stuck there.

I’m seriously wondering if I AM coming off creepy? Did I do something wrong?

Maybe I don’t see what I’m doing wrong and someone can point it out to me because in my head I think all those guys are the ones sexualizing a teenage girl who’s just asking for gamer tags.