Husband wants me to stop complaining


Hi ladies,

I’m 10 w 5 days, and I’ve really been struggling through the first trimester. I’ve been on sick leave for the last 3 weeks due to nausea, headaches, and cramps.

Last night, we were travelling and I missed my Diclectin (nausea meds) at night, so I was quite nauseous this morning in the car.

My husband had a 30 minute tantrum about the window being open a bit so I could get some fresh air to quell the nausea.

Then, as I was explaining how he’s being selfish for demanding I close the window, I asked him how he’s been affected by this pregnancy.

His answer was I’m “too vocal and animated” when I’m sick. He finds it very annoying that I am complaining I feel so sick.

He just doesn’t understand.

I’m so frustrated!!!!!!!