Panic attacks while pregnant


When I was younger around 16 I was put on medicine for anxiety and depression but I stopped taking them shortly after because I felt better and I hated how they made me feel.

Fast forward to when I was 18 I got pregnant with my first child and I still hadn't experienced anything even remotely similar to how I felt when I was 16.

Fast forward again I'm currently 21 and I'm pregnant with my second child up til this point I haven't felt my anxiety i would get what I call nervous ticks from time to time if in a new situation but those are just me constantly doing the same movement to calm myself like tapping on my leg or anything I can do that isn't noticable by others.

Anyways I started feeling this numb tingling sensation at around 28weeks in my arm that went up to my face and it freaked me out but on of the doctors I talked to said it was normal that it could be carpal tunnel I'm not sure but I now think it is my anxiety because I've had full on panic attacks like I can't breath during some and the tingling starts to happen while Its happening and my heart starts feeling weird not sure how to describe it. I'm just worried that it might impact the baby's health. Last night I had multiple in a row like I would get in under control with the help from my partner but then it'd happen again and for a while he freaked out a bit because I couldn't catch my breath but he was there for me.

I don't talk about this with anyone I'm like the black sheep of my family and I don't have friends so I was wondering if anyone is going through something similar I'm 31 weeks today and I'll definitely ask my doctor's if it could be detrimental to the baby