Anyone else stressed?

Vicky • 🤵 07/08/21 👰 💙 18/03/21 👶 ❤️ 02/08/19 👶 💍 30/11/18 💕 👼 15/09/18 👶

So I've not slept in days, so stressed about my early scan tomorrow! I lost my first baby and then went on to have a healthy little girl last August. I'm completely freaking out all over again, we've had to fork out for a scan we can't afford because I simply can't cope. I thought this anxiety would ease after a healthy baby, but here we are again having regular breakdowns 😔

Has anyone been through this and managed to relax at any point?

I was in hospital with my daughter being monitored through most of my pregnancy due to her lack of movements 😒 so didn't feel any relief until she was born.