A miracle baby


After being told a thousand “no’s” of don’t have any children, due to me having Lupus Of the brain , I ended up with a beautiful miracle. The day of his birth, I chose the “safe” vaginal route. But I ended up having multiple seizure leaving the obgyn in a state of all hands on deck. They had 8 people in the room working on me. After being induced and only 3cm dilated. After staying in seizure mode for 2 hrs they intubated me and rushed me to the delivery room to remove the baby by csection. The baby wasn’t breathing and neither was I. They told my husband to stay with the baby and we will work on your wife. I miraculously woke up in ICU. And my baby was breathing yet on careful watch in the NICU. I Had more seizures and stayed in ICU for 6 days . I didn’t get to hold my son until day 12 . Boy I missed being apart of that first week but we are both alive to tell our story. To all the moms out there who were told No, God is and will always watch over people like us . God bless