Due date 4/1/2021


I'm so frustrated.

I've had two miscarriages, one MMC at 12w5d in July 2019 and one chemical at 4w6d in March 2020.

Last July we told my parents and my MIL at 7 weeks and asked them to keep the secret so that we can announce in the second trimester. My MIL told EVERYONE which was very uncomfortable when I had people I do not know messaging me when I had the miscarriage.

Fast forward to this pregnancy, my MIL lives with us and I've been having really bad morning sickness and throwing up almost everyday, so my husband decided that we needed to tell her since she was more than likely going to hear me throw up. He asked her not to tell anyone, explicilty told her to keep it to herself, given the fact that I've had 2 miscarriages within a year and its still early (we told her at 6w). Lo and behold she told everyone YET AGAIN.

My husband is mad that I'm mad at her for telling everyone something that is absolutely not her news to share. I begged him not to tell her until we got to the second trimester or at least the first doctor appointment but he insisted and now I have to be okay with everyone knowing?

Okay venting over, if you read to the end, thanks 🙃