crazy birth story


so baby is now 2 weeks old and healthy so i’m ready to share my story !

Monday july 27th i got a call from my midwife. i was 41+3 and she was calling to let me know i was on the induction list and will have a phone call by friday the latest to be induced. I called my mom freaking out. I was sitting at 4cm with him engaged and literally a fingertip up my vagina since 36 weeks. i was beyond over it but finding out i would be induced felt like such an appointment. i was terrified i’d end up with a c section. All of me was hoping they would take their time and call me friday so at least i could mentally prepare for what was about to be reality.

Well baby 100% had other plans. Tuesday July 28th at 5am i woke up to one contraction. it didn’t hurt but was definitely noticeable. i brushed it off. at 36 weeks i started to have inconsistent but noticeable contractions on and off so i figured baby was playing with me again. I had another contraction at 5:30 so i definitely thought babe was playing with me. Hubby got up at 6am for work but noticed i was uncomfortable. he asked if i was okay. i explained i was having consistent contractions but wasn’t sure if they where real or not. he called in anyways.

My contractions stayed consistent. i was uncomfortable but still functioning and talking so i figured i would wait them out. At 6:30 i got sick. i thought it was weird so i called my mom. thankfully hubby was timing contractions cause i was not. She asked how far apart, he said at this point they where less then a minute. She said she was coming to grab our son and we needed to go.

I walked around the house and got the last few things together. my mom came and we walked out. I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex. I made it out my front door and had a contraction i had to stop and breathe through. I then made it down the 2 flights of stairs and had another one. I made it to the bottom of the last flight and told my mom i felt my body pushing and baby was coming. She freaked out. told my to get my ass in the truck. to hold the baby in and that she wasn’t birthing him 😂 like she had a choice at this point. I told her no, he was coming. She continued to scream that my water hadn’t broken , she wasn’t birthing him and to get into the truck.

Right at that point my water broke and i felt my body push. i was moaning at this point. i told her he was coming and to call 911. I had one contraction and he crowned. I made it out the front door, took a few steps and with another contraction his head was out. i was moaning while waddling to the truck. About 2 inches before the truck i screamed “he’s coming” and i felt my body drop. sure enough he came out.

the ambulance came and checked him out. i got checked out and we headed to the hospital.

everyone was healthy

I gave birth in the middle of an apartment complex parking lot.

He came in weighing 8lbs 7oz 20 inches long

He was known around the hospital as the parking lot baby or fast and furious 😂