2020, thank you.


I know what you're thinking, THANK YOU?! What kind of BS are you on? Let me tell you!

2020 has been the hardest year of my life but I am thankful for every minute. In January I was in the worst mental state I had been in years, I had a job that was sucking the life out of me, it had been a year of trying for baby 2 with only heartbreak to date and my OB wasn't seeing what she wanted on the blood tests.

February came around and I was a mess- I was watching my cousins and close friend giving birth and being so overjoyed for them while simultaneously mourning the fact I should have been too. But I went to the OB and got started on my first round of Letrozole. I had a plan! I applied for a promotion.

March came around, I got the promotion, the first round of letrozole didn't work but my numbers budged-i was hopeful.i started working from home and finished training for my new position. I finished the month with round 2 of letrozole. I tested after my 9 day wait and I got my BFP.

Now from April to now I have had more ups and many more downs. I am now almost 24 weeks along with my son😍, i am finally off of the progesterone that made me terribly sick for the first trimester of this pregnancy. My husband was out of work for a few weeks, we fought like crazy because I am now 6 months along and was working 6 days a week and had no time for my daughter and finances were tight to say the least, thankfully he just started a job that pays better than before with a great schedule.

2020 has kicked my ass in ways I never knew possible. I have seen more tears and anxiety attacks than I would like to admit, I have had my fair share of sleepless nights stressing on my finances and how in the hell I'm going to get my shit together by December. But I have had more time with my sweet daughter than I have ever had before and when that time was limited I learned to cherish even the temper tantrums. My husband and I have gone through a lot of growth in our marriage and individually that we both needed.

So 2020 thank you for all of it. I cant wait to see what the rest of this year looks like. ❤