Pre-Marital Sex

Hi everyone,

I have been with my boyfriend since we were in 3rd grade and we will now be entering our senior year of high school. I will just come out and say it, we had sex back in January, and I can’t help but feel guilty about it. I know I have sinned and it weighs heavy on my heart all the time. The problem is even though I feel guilty I still don’t regret doing it. It has made our relationship stronger, and I feel closer to him now than I ever have, but I just can’t help but feel quirky that it may be driving a wedge between our relationship with god. We have plans to get married and start a family which I know doesn’t excuse our pre-marital sex but I know he will be the one I marry. I have never even thought of being with anyone else, and I can’t imagine not marrying him. I just can’t help but feel that what we have done was wrong. Does anyone have any input on this? Am I worrying too much? What can I do to stop feeling this way? Do I deserve to feel this way for what I have done?