Until next time...


Trigger warning: miscarriage

At 7 weeks, after some light spotting yesterday and this morning (pink only), I decided to go to the emergency OB dept at the hospital. At first they said it looked like a UTI but unfortunately the ultrasound only showed a shadow of a sac. They sent me for an HCG test today and Thursday and I'll go back on Friday for confirmation, but it looks like I'll be leaving the group.

I'm pretty disappointed but I also know that I couldn't have done anything differently. I'm thankful to have an amazing, supportive husband and a happy, healthy 20mo by my side.

We'll be excited to try again once my body is ready. ♥️

I wish you all the very best wherever this path takes you; pregnancy is a beautiful thing no matter how hard it is or how long it lasts, and those little babies are truly miracles! ♥️