Help!! 4 week pregnant bloat??

Brittany • Just a mommy

So I’ve been having hardcore pregnancy symptoms and I’m due for my expected period on the 17th yesterday was my 25th day of my cycle and I had a tiny bit of cramping no blood which is what happened last time at implantation. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 5 weeks 6 days and I I’ve noticed I’m really bloated and can’t put my jeans on. I can’t even wear leggings! It’s uncomfortable. My husband and I are trying for my rainbow baby and I noticed you my belly button it pops out! And then droops. I was 198lbs when we were trying and eating so clean and healthy. Could this be successful implantation? I’m also having nausea, I’m so gassy, eating a lot more (only eat till I’m full then eat two hours later) tender breasts, frequent urination, feels like a ball is on my bladder. Twinges, major exhaustion and heavy breathing probably from progesterone building. I had all of these symptoms last time I was pregnant. I think it’s too early to test. What do y’all think?