To the women who get super painful cramps...

I get THE worst cramps and I have no idea what I should do so If you see this and are like me. can you please maybe drop some advice for me? I went to my doctor and told her I get these god awful cramps where It feels like I’m being stabbed and I have literally passed out from the pain and all the other symptoms such as nausea dizziness and all she told me to do was to take ibuprofen before my cramps start and it normally works, HOWEVER, when I’m stuck in a situation like today where I used all my ibuprofen and was stuck at work and it got so bad that I had to leave, it made my me feel absolutely miserable and my day horrible. When I get these cramps I can’t even focus, I’m a sweaty shaky mess and it affects my driving. If anyone can offer me some different advice, that’d be wonderful, what my doctor recommended just isn’t working.

Edit- not to mention any guy coworker I tell this to seems to think us women are very “overdramatic” when it comes to our periods and they seem to think cramps are like an upset stomach and we should just learn to “get over it” which only makes me so pissed. Anyone else relate?😂