Hey ladies! Help

Heidi • Hi! I’m 22 and live in Colorado, I’m a full time student studying pre-med and I work full time with special needs adults. My husband and I are trying for first baby and this is our first month! Let’s be friends💕

Would it be possible to not get a positive OPK or miss your ovulation? I’m on CD 18 and all my test sort of look the same. The darkest I had was CD 14 (pic in the comments)I started testing at CD7. I was also cramping and my cervix was soft and open. I just now had some blood when I wiped. Not period blood it was in CM and it was literally a streak. So I’m wondering if I ovulated but didn’t catch it. Idk I’m confused🤷🏽‍♀️ first cycle and I’m NOT grasping at straws. I just want to know if I’m ovulating!