Stressed and need advise please!


So I've been having braxton hicks for the past 3 days. I called the on call and due to my history of miscarriage and high risk with my twins the midwife basically brushed me off. She said the ONLY thing that could be causing them is dehydration and to drink more water. I am 22 weeks 2 days. I am drinking as much as possible. However she was so abrupt and basically treated me like im a hypochondriac. I have Hashimoto's disease and fluctuate between Hashimoto's and Graves. Im worried that it could cause a problem. I also wanted to talk to her about the depression im going into but she was so abrupt i didn't get a chance. Recently I've become suicidal. I have become convinced my family would be better off without me. But im worried if I get help they'll take my kids. I have 18m old twins and pregnant again. I dont know what to do at this point. I'm ready to just give up....